Some people call them all sorts of names ranging from “Orobo”,
“Fatty bom bom”, Fat girl etc. But I prefer to call them Big Bold and Women
BBW, the society most times are not fair to the big ladies, they tend to look
at them awkwardly, call them all sorts of negative names which demoralize most of these ladies socially. All these in the other hand affect these
ladies psychologically; making most of them adopt a lukewarm character, poor social
life style and even some are not caring about their looks anymore. My dear Big
Bold and Beautiful Women here are tips to get you out of your shell, smarter
and more beautiful….
1. Package :
As BBW is a fact that is there a lot of flesh, the mistake most ladies
do is leaving those flesh sagging and looking flabby all day long. The human
body is like an art work you can always carve and shape it to the size you want;
all you need do is to follow the principles of body structuring. There are a
whole lot of good body shapers out there you can actually buy; they help
conceal that excess beautiful flesh in your tummy region and the waist line. And
a continued usage would thicken the muscle of the flesh and make the flesh look
firmer and more beautiful, these body shapers will not only tighten your
muscles but make you look smarter in your clothing’s and out fits. You checkout
how smart looking “Chigirl” is, not saying she uses body sharpers o biko !
2. Carriage: Don’t allow those beautiful big body
of yours look like a load you drag everyday while walking, you see a good
number of these lovely women walking as though they are carrying the world on
their head . Choose to carry yourself smartly no matter what the size of your
body is, you own the body, carry it gracefully and with pride, this would
automatically shot down potential jesters or those who feel they can intimidate.
Checkout Eniola Badmus carriage you will
love her
3. Good Hygiene : This is not subjected to the big ladies alone, we all need good hygiene but the BBW ladies needs it more, never leave home without using your deodorant and wearing your perfume if available but deodorant is a must. Taking a regular bath is not contestable, because scientifically the big people perspire , of course we all know that a regular and a good deodorant would minimize the aftermath of perspiration, so it’s a must have.
4. Diet : When most people hears that you are dieting where their minds goes immediately is weight-loss, yes dieting is an effective way to go about weight-loss but it’s also a very important healthy lifestyle procedure. It is well known that the big size person has a higher risk of suffering from heart attack, heart failure, fat clogging in the arteries etc. In order curb all these unwanted health issues as a BBW, start and maintain a good eating habit, if possible cut all forms of carbs, processed foods, sugar to its nearest minimum. Eat more of veggies and healthy proteins, if your inside is healthy it will surely show outwardly, just like the popularly saying “you are what you eat”.
Trek or Workout: If you are not in a hurry to be
in a particular place that is not too far, it is advisable to trek. Journeying by foot would do you a lot good,
It would help maintain blood circulation
Help to firm up the muscles in the thighs, leg
and arm region as you swing them
Very essential for weight loss too
Some would not want to trek because of sweating, but we all
fail to realize that perspiring is a natural phenomenon that is needed in the
body. For those without cars instead of mounting an “Okada” trek, instead of
boarding a “Keke NAPEP” TREK! And for
those with cars, find a means to trek or workout, because it is very necessary,
for a healthy lifestyle.
6. Confidence: Every tips
listed above would be made not effective without confidence, it is the feeling
or expression of certainty, meaning you are certain that you are Beautiful Bold
and Smart (BBS). There are two BBW ladies I have always admired their
confidence, poise and carriage is “Lepacious Bose” and “Chigirl”. Those ladies
are something else; the kind of confidence that exudes out of them is breathtaking
and bankable. So it’s either you confident or your social lifestyle is
7. Be Sexy: BBW ladies
please don’t leave looking sexy for those toothpick sorry slim ladies; you have
got much sumptuous flesh on ground to offer. Leave those men drooling at your beautiful and
sexy figure that can make a born again backslide… So you go all dem BBW ladies!
And let your shine on!
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