The Five Main Factors that makes a lady unattractive

Don’t get it twisted, being attractive goes beyond looks, it is a vital virtue a must have. It is the force that will develop the desire of people craving to get close to you but there are some factors that would hinder it all. Week in week out some ladies don’t make new friends, they will keep wondering why people are not coming close to them.  Ladies, the solution is not farfetched, here are five main factors that makes a lady unattractive, so kindly read up and let’s get Nigeria lighted up with more attractive ladies. If you don’t want the world to pass you by, you should be attractive….

1. Lack of Confident: it is believed that whatever you have inside of you is what would reflect outwardly, having confidence is an inside factor, that will reflect in you outwardly, it is a factor that cannot be hidden. Now show me a lady that’s got good confidence in herself and I will show you a magnetic lady, she attracts anything in her range of reach. The confidence doesn’t only work for her looks alone but also in her choice of field or career. These are the kind of ladies you find in the marketing department of most firms, they are highly sorted after.  Lacking confidence in life repels just like two south pole magnet faced together most especially when you are a lady, the only people you get attracted to yourself most times as a lady who lacks confidence are people most especially men who wants to take advantage of you, and most times they zap when they have gotten what they want from you. So ladies develop all that confidence well enough and get them all attracted to you like ants are attracted to sweets.

2. Poor Hygiene: I will like to share a personal experience I had with a lady with a bad hygiene, just last year I met a girl who got me attracted with her personality and confidence, so I strike up a conversation with her, we got close to each other.  So one day then I invited her over, she eventually came and we got talking, so I accidentally moved closer to her, Lawd have mercy! I was highly disappointed at the offensive odor I perceived from her, immediately she became unattractive to me even though she has got all the specs I need in a lady. I faked a call and discharged her, till date the lady kept wondering why I stopped contacting her.  Having a good hygiene goes beyond  making stylish hair, putting on a clean and smart clothing, keeping your nails neat and your undies clean, the way you smell gives people an idea of how hygienic you are. Make your hygiene a priority to you today to remain a top notch attractive lady.

3. Selfish: Personally I do away with the “me” “me” kind of ladies, they know nothing else but themselves, you will most times find words like “Me” and “I” in their choice of words, selflessness is not in their dictionary. They are the attention seeking kind of girls, they want the world radar to be on them alone and they easily get depressed when the attention they seek is not forthcoming. A selfless service most times attracts the right kind of people to you but selfishness repels.

4. Bad Character: You will all agree with me that no one will ever want to get close to a lady with bad a character except her mom; they will try to avoid her as much as they can. No one is born with a good character, in fact our environment teaches us to be hostile and insensitive but as a lady who wants to achieve meaningful things out of life you need to learn how to become a lady with a great character. After you have attracted them with your looks, confidence, fashion, what would actually make them stay and keep coming back to you is your character.   

5. Weak Fashion Scope: Picture speaks louder than voice; people get attracted to whatever is pleasant to the eyes. When they can’t come close to you; let your fashion speak for you. I’m not saying you should buy up all the most expensive fashion materials; they are lot of affordable and good fashion materials out there you can buy. What really matters in fashion scope is the combination; thank goodness there a lot fashion websites and materials that can help you step up your fashion game. You are not a boy, so stop having that Tomboy look, dress like a lady because dressing like a lady makes you look more attractive except you are man. Aside from entertaining us, I want to see the famous Nollywood actress Rita Dominic help a lot of our ladies with her mind blowing fashion tips.  Always remember that you dress the way you want to be addressed.

The win win game begins with how attractive and appealing you are, so be more attractive and get the world at your finger tip today……

Planet One Hospitality

Planet One Hospitality

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